Monday, September 12, 2011

Just So You Know

If you're looking for something vaguely sexy, read the post before this one. If, on the other hand, you're looking for a peek into the non-stop cavalcade of fun which is Planet Lexi, look no further. Or maybe read this and then read the one before if you haven't already because this is just a weekend update.

So I, as the British say, "hurt the walk." Or, to put it another way, I bruised my hip. I am not fatally injured, but this is a risk I take in my job. I get injured, mildly, all the time and don't bother to mention it because chicks dig scars. Wait, I'm a chick and I don't really care about scars one way or the other, so there's that premise out the window. I'm also not silently stoic. I don't mention it mostly because it's everyday crap and doesn't bother me that much.

But this one is bothering me because while it doesn't keep me from working, it does keep me from being comfortable in many situations, up to and including kneeling, sitting, or straddling. Can you guess what activity using those three positions that I miss the most? If you said "air hockey," go to jail, do not pass Go, do not collect $200.

So I guess I actually "hurt the fuck" as 'twere. Not that I was doing a tremendous amount of it in any case, but it's less comfortable now. I hope the swelling will continue to subside as I have a day or two of lighter duty before the weekend. Because I'd really like to bring you all a fun and exciting story which involves penetration. Really I would. I'm selfless like that.

Also, as France is doing FFF this week, I call next week if PB is still incommunicado. I hope he's okay. I'd happily sacrifice my opportunity to give everyone a corking challenge if it would bring him back.


France said...

A swollen hip/bruise? Ouch! Sorry your air hockey game suffers 'coz of that. ;)

Anonymous said...

Good thing I have this "get out of jail free card" because I said air hockey. :p

Get well soon, Lexi.


fyi...word verification is "apple". An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Clearly, you are on the mend :)

Naughty Lexi said...

@France: I don't know why joints have to suck. Anywhere else, I get a bruise, it comes out and hurts and then goes away. Joints, I get a bruise, it lurks in the joint forever, taunting me, then finally, just when I'm ready to forget about it, it comes out all black and yellow and stares at me accusingly. Like it was somehow my fault that it got bruised.

@HEDONE: We play hardcore Monopoly where I come from, missy. No "get out of jail free" cards allowed. But on the plus side, the jail is non-stop Cinemax women-in-prison movies ;)

sexy notes said...

Hope you feel better soon! :-)

Max said...

Ouch. I hope you feel better and can resume...air hockey...very soon. :-)

Glad to see you jumping in for a week of FFF (assuming no PB.) I remember your last "corking challenge". I seem to recall you using the words "because I'm a shit" when explaining the challenge, so I'm bracing myself. :-)

Advizor54 said...

What about in a jacuzzi with your legs floating up in the water or in a cool shower with the tile against your back, or maybe on a trampoline? I'm just going with what my physical therapist suggested upon reading your blog.

Just get better soon, we need you in shape for next week's FFF.

Naughty Lexi said...

@sexy notes: It's not as bad as I feared, so if I can keep off it a few days (which isn't impossible) I should mend up fine, I hope.

@Max: Oh, you'll like next week's; I had a bit of fun with "requirements." I play with formulas; it's what I do.

@Advizor: A trampoline? That sounds unwise. But I'm not a physical therapist. It's just a bruise; it's getting better already. I've taken a few longer-than-normal showers though.