Wednesday, September 22, 2021

TMI Sexy As Usual

What is sexy time to you?

Time that involves arousal. Not necessarily sex. I'm okay with being teased if I'm somewhere where I can't act on my desire.

Who’s sexier–women or men?

Women by a country mile. Sorry guys, you're just not as fun to look at. I love you, but I will ogle girls until the day I die, probably from ogling girls.

How did you learn to masturbate, and how old were you when you first succeeded?

I think my parents taught us the rudiments of masturbation when they taught us everything else about sex, but I never really tried it until I watched my sisters do it and got some pointers from them. I don't recall anymore whether I "succeeded" the first time. Although what is success in masturbation? I didn't turn myself off.

Do you like taking naked photos of yourself?

I don't but I have. I'm just not a picture person.

What is your biggest sexual fear?

Farting during anal.

No, only kidding, that's a minor inconvenience. My biggest fear is probably that I'll be thinking I'm doing great, that my partner or partners are having a fantastic time, and they'll be judging me and judging me harshly. And then, after it's all over, they'll give me cruel critiques. It's maybe not a terribly realistic fear, but it's a big one.

To you, what does the ideal penis look like?

Inside me? Foreshortened? I'm not sure there is an "ideal" penis. I guess with a nice head, no preference about circumcision, a thick shaft, long enough but I'm not as picky about length as I am about girth. Curving slightly up. Left or right is no biggie, but I guess I'd prefer neither, just a gentle upward curve.

What type of clothes make you feel sexy?
a. a specially selected casual outfit
b. lingerie or silky pajamas
c. elegant, dressy evening clothes
d. anything that leaves me almost naked

Lingerie. Or just underwear. I feel sexiest when I'm covered but teasing.

Which do you prefer?
a. pillow talk
b. sexy texting
c. love notes

Pillow talk. You'd like I'd like textual stuff, but being able to pillow talk is best.

Which do you do best?
a. pillow talk
b. sexting
c. writing love notes

Sadly, I probably am best at sexting, something I don't really do much.

You been granted just ONE of the following in your favorite city/place in the world. Which would you choose and why?
a. 24 hours of romance
b. 24 hours of lust (intense, overwhelming sexual desire but not acted upon mixed with enthusiasm for life)
c. 24 hours of sex

Give me the sex. Sorry, boring answer, but no matter where I am, I'll take the sex.

How do you tap into your sexiness?

Clitorally. Really, I tap into my sexiness by dressing for the part I want, sometimes. If I wear cute underwear, even if atop it I'm wearing a business suit, I feel sexier just knowing what's underneath. Other than that, I can't think of anything off the top of my head, but I probably do other things too.

Which is better–your digital sex life or your in-the-flesh sex life?

I love you all but my in-the-flesh sex life is always better because my digital sex life is mostly just a recapitulation of my in-the-flesh sex life, minus stuff I've already talked about a thousand times. Like, Sveta and I fuck all the goddamn time, like lesbian rabbits on shoreleave, but I don't put it in the blog every time it happens or I'd have no time to actually do it.

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