Monday, April 18, 2022

Swamped Again

Remember Erin and the terrible middle-school play and the shoulder massage that got a bit heated? Well, she came back later in the week for the actual performance. She sought me out right off the bat, which was a good sign, said hello, asked if I would mind giving her that massage now because she'd be too busy later. Did I mind? Of course not.

She was wearing a top which was much looser this time, and I wasn't sure exactly how to proceed, so I just massaged her shoulders and back and neck for a minute or so, until she leaned back and said, "No one's watching."

"Do you want me to..."

She blushed. "Um... do you mind? Your hands felt so good and I never... I mean..."

"Shush," I said, and slipped my hands down slowly from her shoulders over her collar bone. She sighed and closed her eyes and started nibbling her lower lip, which I find incredibly sexy. It really was all I could do not to suggest something other than a massage. My hands found her breasts and cupped them gently until she shifted herself toward me a little, which was all the hint I needed. "Do you want me to?"

"Mmm hmm," she said, eyes still closed, lip between teeth. Her legs spread a little too, which made me very aware of the crotch of her pants. I really wanted to slip a hand down there in the worst way. If the situation hadn't been what it was, I might have. As it was, I held her tits in my hands, only the fabric of her blouse between our skin, and then slowly massaged, rolling the nipples gently between my thumbs and forefingers until they were erect, then slowly caressing.

And then she was unconsciously pushing her blouse up over a flat, gorgeous belly and I had to remember where we were. "I don't know if that's such a good idea," I murmured.

"No one's looking."

"They could be any minute. I don't want to leave you like this but..."

"No, no, you're right," she said, and let the blouse fall back down. Sometimes I hate myself for being rational. She certainly wasn't. "Okay, I've got to go get things ready. Um..."

"Don't worry, I'll be right here." I don't know why I was reassuring her of that. We both knew it wasn't happening. I don't know why I even let it get as far as I did, except I'm a bad person.

So I sat in the booth and felt my temperature slowly go back to normal and the spot of wetness in my panties slowly cool. Have I mentioned I have a thing for flat-chested women who look a bit like Summer Glau? Hot for teacher, that's me.

The play was terrible but they're middle-schoolers so who cares? Their parents all applauded, and everyone applauded for Erin when she went out on stage, and I figured okay, I got to fondle some delightful small tits, my night is over. Plus I was kind of tired, I won't lie. If that had been all, I would have been just fine.

But she showed up to collect some stuff from the booth with one of the kids, and she whispered in my ear, "Hang around a minute after please." My temperature started to rise a little again.

Now, it's my firm rule that, if I'm ushering someone into the cult of Sappho, that I do all the work unless they want to try. It's not fair of me to get selfish and ruin someone for lesbianism from then on. And this rule means that I was feeling like maybe it would be best to arrange a meetup someplace more comfortable rather than having an assignation in the booth, no matter whether I was off the clock or not.

But when all the kids and parents had left and she hadn't shown up, I was all set to say, "Ah well, she couldn't make it, plenty of fish in the sea." I clocked out, closed up, and headed to my car, and there she was sitting on my hood. "I told them I forgot something," she said, "but then I couldn't get back in." Our front doors lock automatically after a certain hour, which I had forgotten.

"So do you want to go someplace?"

"I can't. I really have to go to the cast party. You could come, if you want?"

God help me, the idea of having to hang around with dozens of kids and parents I didn't know in the state I was in, tiredness-wise, made me want to run screaming. "I'd better not," I said, a little sadly.

"Well, what about after?"

"I should probably head home. I've got a long day tomorrow." This was true. It wasn't easy to say.

"Oh." She looked crushed, which made me feel like a giant asshole.

"Why, what did you have in mind after?" I don't know. I'm terrible.

She blushed. "I was hoping you might get to massage me without having to worry about the kids seeing, and..." She trailed off, blushing furiously.

"I'd like that," I said. "How long is this cast party going to last?"

"I'll bow out early," she said eagerly.

"What about your husband?"

"He's away again. Didn't even come to see the show." Maybe she knew exactly what she was doing, because she didn't sound so sanguine about him as she had the last time we'd discussed him. "Um... did you want to come back to my place?"

"If you're okay with that." I would have invited her back to my place in a heartbeat but it's a bit of a drive.

So, despite my protestations, I went to this cast party. It was at the local IHOP because that's the only thing that's open and kid-friendly at this time of night. I took one look and then decided fuck it, I was going to sit in the car, as creepy as that might seem. Wasn't in the mood for IHOP and definitely wasn't in the mood for kids.

She was sucked into the party and didn't manage to break away for longer than I really wanted, and I was starting to question my decision-making process as the temperature cooled again. But despite not being a good ambassador for philosophical lesbianism, I'm a ride-or-die ambassador for the physical side of it, and anyway I was already going to be a mess in the morning.

Finally she came out waving goodbye. A lot of the kids were coming out too. She had to say goodbye a million times. Ah, drama club. Then she finally went over to my car and said, "Follow me." She looked eager. I was worried that she too would have begun to question her decision-making process.

I followed her back to her house, nice little place in the burbs, white picket fence, the whole nine yards. She let me in through the garage door and started giving me a tour.

"Erin, no offense, but if you're not comfortable with this, I can just call it a night," I said when she seemed unable to make the first move.

"Um... do you mind if we do it in the guest bedroom," she asked quietly. "I've never... in my husband's bed, it would be..."

"That's totally fine," I said. I don't go out of my way to help people cheat on their sig-Os, but I've had plenty of cheaters and that's often one of the things they're most reticent about.

We headed for the guest bedroom. "So... how do you usually...?" she stammered.

"Can I take your top off?"

Her lip was firmly between her teeth but she nodded and blushed.

I enjoy undressing women. I mean, I enjoy undressing myself sometimes. Yes, I'm weird, what do you want? So anyway, Erin doesn't have an ounce of fat on her, which made me momentarily feel incredibly shitty about my own physique but I got over it once her breasts were exposed. I'm serious when I say she's flat-chested. Barely there, I think is the expression. She must not have to wear bras often, particularly if the fabric of her blouse is thick enough.

I admit I was drooling a little, and she was feeling very self-conscious about herself, tried to cover herself up. I wasn't having any of that. "God, you're beautiful," I had to say, which made her blush even harder. She was blushing all over. "Can I taste them?"


So sheltered. "Can I suck on your nipples a little?" I said with a laugh.

"Is that...?"

"Yes, that's one of the many things I'd like to do to you," I said. Honestly, if she hadn't been there and half naked and ready to put out, I think I would have been a bit annoyed by the fact that she seemed to be completely obsessed with "what I normally do in these situations." But on the other hand, this was all new to her. Again I have to ask though, straight people, are you okay? Because her husband should have been down on his hands and knees begging to suckle her breasts a little.

Her nipples are light tan, sized perfectly for her figure (tiny) and they were already pretty hard but they tasted just fine, thank you. And she forgot about her nerves and let me suckle them. My hands were on her back pulling her to me, and then they roved down a little once she got into it and parked on the small of her back. I kissed and nibbled and licked all over her chest, and she was sighing and arching her back. Then I dipped my hand lower until I was cupping her ass, and she sighed and arched and was totally cool with that, so I decided that it was time for the pants to go too.

Not having an ounce of fat on you tends to mean that you don't have as many curves either, but she had some. Her hip bones stood out a little above the line of her very conservative panties. "I guess you didn't expect to be showing these off?" I said lightly as I helped her step out of her pants.

"I... I don't know what I expected," she said.

"It's okay honey, I don't mind. In fact, I don't think I need to look at them much, if you'll let me."

"You really want to?"

"Do you?"

She grinned nervously but nodded and slipped the waistband down.

I find pussies to be attractive, so take what I say about them with a grain of salt, but Erin had a very nice pussy. Hairy though. Not a deal breaker, but she clearly hadn't had anyone particularly interested in her this winter. "I usually shave for him, but..."

"It's been a while?" I asked.

And fuck, she burst into tears. I hate it when they cry. Which meant that I spent the next half hour comforting a naked woman and wishing I had just gone home. I'm not lying; I really wished that, because I was getting tired and she was spilling her guts about the difficulties of her marriage. But because she's religious and so forth, she'd never dream of leaving him or cheating on him, except.

Except I didn't count, because I'm a girl.


I'm not sure why some people think that lesbianism isn't cheating. But I guess it's the same way that technically you can still be a virgin if you've only ever done anal. I've never made an exhaustive study but I bet the religious types who believe one probably believe the other. Seems silly to me.

Anyway, I could have told her to shove it right there, I could have, but sunk costs and all that, plus it's not the first time I've run into this particular delusion. Plus in this case I think she was just making excuses for herself, and she'd totally cheat on him with another guy if the opportunity arose. That might just be me judging her too harshly. So I didn't tell her to shove it and instead reassured her that a little pubic hair wasn't going to ruin my day and that I would absolutely love to dive in, if she'd let me.

"I've never... you know... so I'm not sure I'll be any good," It was a little sweet how worried she seemed to be that I would find her terrible in bed.

"Have you ever rubbed yourself?" That's usually a safe place to start.

"Yeah." She blushed when she admitted that. Stupid religious upbringing.

"Well, when the time comes, just do to me what you like done to you, and you'll be fine." She was still covering herself with her hands. "Are you sure you want to do this?"

"Um... you'll think I'm weird but... I'm really..."

"Horny?" She nodded, eyes averted. "Honey, who wouldn't be, with a husband who's never home. It's totally not weird. I'm more than a little horny myself."

"You really are attracted to me?"

"God yes. You're cute as a button." She giggled. "That just makes it worse." She laughed at that. "Now, lie back and I'm going to make you feel really good, okay? No worries about me right now. Just let me relieve some of that tension."

She lay back on the bed, and I gently moved her hand away from her nethers so I could get a better look. Her pussy, even spread a little, even swollen a little with excitement, was still tiny. Breasts, hips, and pussy, the whole package was adorably small. She smelled slightly musky, but when I finally got her to get over her anxiety and let me lick her, she just tasted like a willing woman. Her legs spread pretty wide once I was tonguing her, and she didn't seem to have a problem with me licking her clit, so I sucked and licked that for a while, then slipped a finger into her and began stroking slowly upward.

"Oh shit," she moaned, like she couldn't help herself, then clapped her hand over her face like she couldn't believe she'd sworn.

"Just relax and let it happen," I said soothingly, then went back to slow strokes and sucks and licks until her hips were rising and falling in rhythm.

She gave a strangled moan and then wrapped her legs around my head and tried to suffocate me. Tension and relaxation, five or six pulses, and then her hand moved down to gently push me away from her. "Oh wow," she gasped finally. "That was..."

"Do you want another?"

"I just... gimme a minute..."

She was still all twitchy as I slid up over her flat belly, pausing to suckle at one of her nipples, then up and finally kissed her. She snuggled into my arms and put her leg around mine and let me do various oral things to her neck and collar bone. "And it's always like this, with women?"

"Well... I try to make them happy." No reason to go into too much detail.

"I can understand why she married you."

I laughed. "Oh no, I married her for her charms. She got the short end of the stick." I didn't just say that because I knew Sveta would hear about it later, I promise. I'm self-deprecating by nature.

"Now I wish I had let you take me home," she sighed. "But two of you might kill me."

"You'd die happy, I promise." And I slowly stroked her ass. Then slipped my hand between her legs and felt her warm wetness. She sighed and opened her legs a little to let me, and we kissed again. As my tongue slid between her lips, my finger was doing the same below, and even though she was tiny, she had room for finger number two a short time later.

I was still fully clothed at this point, but her hand started to rove a little, getting more adventurous, and began rubbing the inseam of my jeans in time with my strokes, so I whispered, "Why don't you unzip me a little and you get get a better feel?" in her ear. She nodded with a slight gasp, and then it was like she had magically inserted her hand into my pants through the fabric because I don't know how she got there so quickly. Her finger was at the apex of my slit, rubbing hard, which I took as a sign that her clit was not sensitive at all, so I got my thumb working on that, fingers up inside, and we kissed and finger-fucked for a while until I got close.

"Oh Erin baby, you're gonna make me cum," I gasped. "Rub right there, right there!" It wasn't an epic orgasm, basically just like I'd been rubbing one out myself, but someone else was doing it, and she seemed thrilled to have made me go off. She surprised when I didn't tell her to stop and instead used my free hand to shove my jeans and panties awkwardly down and then guided her fingers until she got me off again shortly thereafter. Then I kissed her, laid her back on the bed, and dove between her legs with no preamble, sucking, fingering, and even cupping her ass to pull it toward me until she practically screamed and I felt the spasms overtake her.

And then I hit a giant wall. Like, a wall made of walls. I was suddenly so tired I wasn't sure I'd be able to get out the door, let alone drive home. She was a little concerned, wanted me to spend the night, but I knew that would just lead to disappointment. So I summoned up my reserves, gave her a long, long kiss goodnight (which I hope she remembers the next time her husband is being a two-pump Johnnie) and managed to make it home in time to sleep a little before my next long day.

Sorry this took so long to post. I was busy, and then I was trying to recall it in detail enough to be interesting, and then I kept getting interrupted. I hope the length wasn't a turn-off for anyone. I have no idea whether I'll ever see her again, but we left on perfectly good terms and if there was guilt it hadn't set in yet, so I'm calling it a win. And while I would have loved to have had a proper time, I think she got the general idea. I don't think anyone had cared about Erin's pleasure for a long time, if ever, certainly not enough to give her two scoops of raisins.

Happy Easter, if you celebrate it!


Advizor54 said...

You can write 10x more and I'll devour every word of it. You are a natural born teacher and new-comer guide, and, while that can be exhausting, you are getting rewarded along the way. I hope the two of you can find your way back together.

Max said...

Lovely story. Well-written, and the perfect length to tell it.
Sounds like you gave her a night to remember. I'll be curious if she reaches out to you again.