Tuesday, April 5, 2022

TMI Tuesday - April

 As always, from the TMI Tuesday blog.

1. The month of April is named for Greek goddess Aphrodite. She is associated with lust, love, pleasure, and passion. Which one of those states of being do you hope to experience this month? Which of them is most likely to happen?

Well, maybe it's named for Aphrodite, or maybe it's named for the Latin word for "after, second" because it was the second month of the old Latin calendar. But you don't really care about that.

I'd like to experience some passion this month, but I'm most likely to experience love. That's not a bad thing.

2. Diamond is the birthstone for the month of April.  Have you ever given or received a diamond? Under what circumstances?

Diamonds are overpriced carbon. Give more interesting gemstones please.

3. Did you play an April Fools joke this year? What was it?

April Fools jokes are passé. Well, not even that. They're usually either stupid, hurtful, or a combination of the two. Plus everyone expects them. If you're going to pull a prank on someone (and it shouldn't be me because I don't like pranks and will cheerfully escalate prank wars to nuclear, and you won't have any fun) do it on a day they won't expect. But really, think long and hard about the kind of prank you're planning to pull. And then think even longer and even harder. You probably shouldn't, is what I'm saying. There are a limited supply of perfect pranks in the world and chances are good yours isn't one of them.

4. April 22, 2022 is Earth Day. Around the world, all sorts of events will take place to celebrate and invest in our planet. What sort of thing might you do for the earth on Earth Day?

I have no idea. Firebomb a petroleum depot? Only kidding. That would just release toxins into the air.

Bonus: What odd or strange thing do you keep in your home?

Strange or odd to whom? I bet there are sex toys we own which would appear strange and odd to the average person but which are perfectly normal to us. I probably own books which are on the strange side. Okay, how about the Encyclopedia of Russian Prison Tattoos, in three volumes. I saw it in a free book bin once and had to have it. Can you blame me?

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