Wednesday, March 28, 2007

My Bro: Switch Hitter?

I spoke to my brother yesterday, and he said something which made me wonder whether I might have him the wrong way after all this time. He said that he's recently begun fantasizing about having sex with a transsexual, that is someone who is either tarred with the epithet "chick with dick" or a full-blown hermaphrodite with male and female genitalia. He doesn't mind that I'm telling you this, by the way; in fact, I might coax him into writing something for this one of these days, so if you think you're going to hear secrets reserved for me and the grave, you're out of luck.

So I got to thinking about it. My brother has never been interested in guys. But is he fooling himself? Is he going to start playing for the other team and rob me and all the other women of the world of a damned good sex partner? At first I thought, okay, he's just fantasizing, but my brother likes to turn fantasy into reality whenever possible, so it's something he'd do if he got the chance. And he doesn't just want to fuck a trannie, he wants to be fucked by a trannie, i.e. get trannie cock up his ass. Is he going pink?

Now, far be it for me to criticize homosexuality. I practice it whenever possible myself. In fact, I too have toyed with the idea of a transsexual of some kind, even though I'm probably using the wrong term. They're not easy to find, since many of them pretend to be one sex or the other. So I'm not really worried that my brother is going to give up pussy for dick. I just wonder whether he might not really want to try a dick from a man rather than a transsexual.

He told me that he's not physically attracted to men, but that he likes the idea of receiving rather than giving, so it might be a perfect solution, if he can find a trannie. As it is I promised that we could try a strap-on next time. And he does love giving anal too, so maybe he just wants to know what it feels like on the opposite end. I don't know.

Actually, a man with breasts sounds nice. Lower half male, upper half female; I can dig it.

And I really don't mean to be offensive, if I have been, so I hope you'll forgive me if I am. If my brother wants to convert completely, I'll miss the sex but I'll be happy that he's happy. I just don't know whether he's confused or curious.

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