Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Blogger's Content Guidelines

Well, in large letters, apparently incest is verboten on Blogger. I guess I should have read that before I started this blog, huh? So if this blog vanishes into the ether, you'll know why. Hell, I'm not even behind a content warning yet, so who knows, maybe they'll never find out. But it's making me nervous, which I didn't need. Damn it. Anyone know anywhere I can blog that doesn't involve censorship? Not that I'm going to start an "Anarchy, free Internet, piracy, censorship sucks" campaign or anything, but I don't need the hassle in my life right now.

If anyone from the censorship bureau is reading any of this, I was kidding. I hate incest. I've never had it. The people to whom I refer are all over 18, none of them are related, and none of them are real. We're all fake. But I'm not impersonating anyone (which is another no-no according to the guidelines). And I'm certainly not advocating it. All the times it seemed like I was advocating it, I was actually being ironic. Yes, that's it.

Damn. Didn't really need this right now. I should have just kept it to myself.


Anonymous said...

Don't worry Lexi! We all like to feel some of those good daughter/mother/step-father/mother-in-law feelings!!!

Naughty Lexi said...

Yeah, the trick is that Blogger can shut down my blog at any time because of it. I guess they could probably do the same to yours and a lot of other people's too, and until they do, I guess I shouldn't worry about it.