Wednesday, February 16, 2022

TMI Tuesday

From the TMI Tuesday blog.

1. One of my ideas is to someday create _____ .

A programming language to teach kids to program. I've been thinking about it since college. I doubt it'll ever actually happen, but I think about it.

2. Do you travel lightly?

I travel light, in as much as I don't pack a lot of cruft to travel. But I don't travel lightly, in as much as I don't just jaunt to a destination on the spur of the moment. I'm not much for travel, honestly.

3. How would you create the best dressed baked potato?

First off, it's got to be salted on the outside. Nice big crystals of salt. Plus I want the skin to be crispy, so I'd probably have to oil the skin too. Then when it's perfectly done, break it open and scoop out a fair portion of the fluffy inside, mix with butter, chives, and sour cream. Put it all back in the potato, then top with good melting cheese, a mild cheddar or a gruyere, maybe a smoked gouda. Put back into the oven until the cheese is browned. Top with more sour cream, chunks of crispy bacon, and serve.

4. The best thing you tasted over the weekend was _____ .

I made a pretty mean Hyderabadi green chicken curry on Sunday. What, you were expecting me to say pussy?

5. What do you wish you had payed attention to?

Lots of things, and at the same time I didn't pay attention to them because they were boring and I didn't feel like it, so if I had paid attention to them I would have had to suffer through them. I don't know. I get bored easily. It's my brain and I curate what goes into it. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

For the love of all that is holy, wear your masks and get vaccinated and send me questions so I don't have to keep posting inane answers to non-sexy questions, either because the pandemic calms down to the point where I feel safe getting some strange so I can talk about it, or because I have sexy questions to answer.


TMI Tuesday blog said...

3. I'm drooling. It is 10 at night and your baked potato has made me very hungry.

4. I was hoping ;-)

5. lol lol. Good answer.

Sex(y) question: Do you prefer your sex partner shave clean their genitals or have some hair down there?


Lexi great to read you. I don't know if you remember me--Hedone from now defunct Pleasure Principle blog. (I see my blog is still posted on your reading list. *warm fuzzy thoughts* I have missed reading you. I do not blog anymore but I am still producing TMI Tuesday, though I barely have time for it.)


Naughty Lexi said...

Hedone, of course I remember you! So great to hear from you. Thank you for continuing to produce TMI content so I have something to write on Tuesdays! I'll answer your sexy question right now!

Smu Doodle said...

I think children already know BASIC.

IF:\ I don't get my way

THEN:\ I will throw a fit

GOTO:\ My room

Just like the rest of us.


Naughty Lexi said...

@SmuDoodle BASIC is procedural though. I think kids should learn OO and probably these days some functional programming as well. Logo is all well and good, but I've found that it doesn't translate into general programming knowledge as well. What I'd really like is a language which does Javascript without being Javascript because Javascript is really loose and I think kids need to learn to program well before you give them that kind of looseness to play with. The problem with a browser-based language is that, while you can do some impressive stuff pretty easily, you wind up having to deal with cross-browser compliance and so forth. But at the same time, if you create your own walled garden like Java tried to do, you wind up unable to transfer a lot of specific language details when you want to do something outside the garden.

There needs to be a happy medium where you don't have to learn much to be able to start doing fun stuff with the language, but at the same time it needs to be rigorous enough that you don't develop bad habits. There are DSLs out there which do some of that, but again, they don't translate to general purpose programming as easily. I like Python too and have taught it, but back when I was teaching Python was still just starting to come into its own as a language. These days, it's probably the educational language to beat, but I still have issues with it.

As you can see, I have opinions :) I think if I were teaching now I'd probably teach a hodgepodge of HTML/CSS and pick a Javascript framework and try to teach good habits in it. And I don't like Javascript particularly. Maybe Typescript or some other transpiled language? I don't know. Fortunately, I'm probably never going to be in the position to have to know ever again, so I can have opinions.