Sunday, December 28, 2008

So Much Excitement, So Little Time

I don't have time for a long post at all. But I'll run down the highlights. We're expecting Sheri home any time now, and she said she's staying until Mike leaves, after New Years. I warned her that it would be boring, but she said she and Mike and I would make it exciting.

Sveta came over yesterday for most of the day, so I didn't get shit done, and now I'm behind. Mike had to stay clear all day, which was killing him. I almost blabbed, at least about Mike, but I couldn't get up the balls (so to speak) to do it. So Sveta and Mike and I watched a movie, pretty awkwardly I might add, and then she and I went to my room and used all that pent-up tension to have a couple of hours of furious lovemaking. I bet Mike was peeking while we did it, but I never caught him.

So after Sveta left, Mike was on me like a fly on honey. He wore me out last night, shot three sizable loads inside me, and we fell asleep together. I woke up this morning to find him feeling me up in my sleep, and got a wake-up call from the desk clerk between his legs shortly thereafter. Then, well, during and after, we talked about Sveta. He's of the opinion that she already knows and is just playing dumb. He thinks I could introduce the idea easily enough by mentioning that Mike thought she was attractive too, and maybe things would go from there. It's not that strange to fix up my brother and my girlfriend, he'd have me believe. He's horny and stupid.

I'm just too scared. I don't want to fuck up a good thing. Even though it would be hot as hell for Mike to fuck her, and it would probably be good for her too, and then it would definitely be easy enough to tell her that I fuck Mike as well. I just don't think I can risk it.

Well, he's here for a few more days, maybe it will happen. Probably not. I'm venting now, so I'll close. Once Sheri's here, I doubt I'll have any time for blogging. So if I don't get to say it before, Happy 2009!

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