Saturday, October 2, 2010

Eric the Fruit Bat

In keeping with today's apparent theme of silly, I just thought I should share this wonderful research which won an Ig Nobel prize this year.

Fellatio keeps male fruit bats keen

Female short-nosed fruit bats have been observed performing fellatio on their partners during copulation. Mating pairs spent more time copulating if the female did so.

Yes, it seems that, to mangle Cole Porter, birds do it, bees do it, even fruit bats who eat fleas do it.  Well, no, they don't eat fleas.  But they do give head.  I wonder what it would be like to have a tongue that could lick a cock while it was inside me.

Anyway, congratulations to Libiao Zhang and colleagues for documenting this and winning an Ig Nobel.  I will be performing some documentation myself on the subject later, and maybe I'll win a prize too.  But they can keep the money; it's the research that makes it all worth while.

No, on second thought, I'll take the money.  I mustn't be ungrateful.

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