Sunday, October 31, 2010


At the moment I'm out working (having scheduled this post beforehand), and anyway most people probably celebrated Halloween before now, but suffice to say that it is in fact All Hallows' Eve, and thus it seemed like the time to say Happy Halloween or whatever you call today, if you commemorate it at all.  I've grown too old and tired for costumes and too busy for much in the way of fun, but were I to be wearing a costume and having fun, here's an artist's rendering of what I'd probably look like.

Before you ask, no, it's not me, nor do I know from whence it cometh.

And here I told a Halloween story which was eaten by Blogger for reasons beyond my ken.  It was okay, but I can't type it again.  It wasn't really a Halloween story anyway, more of a story which happened to fall around Halloween.  You're not missing a whole lot.  Some, but not a whole lot.  Go back and read one of my other Halloween stories instead, because they're sexier.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice costume. ;-) Sorry your story got lost. Happy Halloween!