Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Yes, it's trivial pursuit time again.  I know, repetition, silly questions, pointless answers, blah blah blah.  But it's not like there's no other content, so if you're sick of these, I hereby give you permission to ignore them.  Te absolvo.  I stole this from Kara and Jess, who in turn got it from Sunday Stealing, and from there the trail goes cold because I've stopped caring.  I don't make an active effort to find these, but they come up sometimes and I can't resist an easy post.


1. When was the last time you cried?
I cry all the damn time.  Probably too much.  I cried like a leaky faucet when Mike left; that's probably the last time I had much of a reason.
2. Were you named after anyone?
My whole name is after various people.  So are all my sibs' names.
3. Why are you so fickle when it comes to women?
This is rather a confrontational question, isn't it?  I'm not fickle at all.  Either I'm interested or I'm not.  I think this may be a case of not knowing what "fickle" actually means.  It doesn't mean choosy.  It means capricious.  I'm slightly choosy, but I'm not terribly capricious.  I do have flings, but that's not a case of being fickle.  If I were fickle, Sveta and I certainly wouldn't still be together, I would have gotten bored with Kate, and probably my family and I wouldn't be on speaking terms either.  Yeah, I'm justifying myself to a stupid question.
4. What is your favorite lunchmeat?
Really good roast beef.  But that's hard to come by.  Or very thin, dry Virginia ham.  Also not the easiest thing to come by.  Generically, pastrami I think.  Corned beef is also acceptable.
5. Do you have kids?
No.  Someday, I think, but not at the moment.
6. If you were another person would you be friends with you?
I doubt it sometimes.  I'm not sure how I'd feel about myself if I met myself.  Maybe I already have and I just don't know it.  I worry about lacking a basic self-awareness of my own qualities.
7. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
8. Do you still have your tonsils?
9. Would you bungee jump?
I'd go sky diving first, and I'm not likely to do that.
10. What is your favorite cereal?
Frosted blueberry mini-wheats, although I eat them as snack food rather than in a bowl.
11. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off?
How else am I going to take them off?  If this is a question about whether or not I wear shoes that can be slipped on and off, the answer is not frequently.  I wear sandals and slip-ons, and I do have nice shoes that don't lace, but most of the time I'm in boots or sneakers, and I can't take either of them off without untying them.
12. Do you think you are strong enough to be with me?
I am peasant woman, strong like ox, with broad back for bearing wood for fire.  I can pull plow.  I have wide hips for many babies.  In other words, no.
13. What is your favorite ice cream?
I'm not a big fan of ice cream.  Some good chocolate is probably the safest bet.  Chocolate, coconut, almond, with fudge... yeah, I'd eat that without much protest.
14. What is the first thing you notice about people?
I don't know.  I've had this question a number of times phrased in different ways, and I'm never sure.  If it's visual, I probably notice the general shape outline because that's what neuroscience tells me I notice first.  In terms of all the senses, maybe the sound of their voice.  I have no clue.
15. Red or pink?
Red.  I like pink too though, for some things.
16. What is your least favorite thing about yourself?
Come on, don't make me choose.  I have so many things to pick from.
17. Who do you mess with the most?
Probably Mike.  In the sense I believe this question means, at any rate.  Not in the sexual sense, just in the general "messing with" sense.  I mess with him a lot.  He gives as good as he gets though.
18. What was the last thing you ate?
Oddly enough, blueberry mini-wheats.
19. What are you listening to right now?
Nothing.  I don't tend to play music while I'm typing.  Distracts me sometimes.
20. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
Sveta.  I called her earlier to talk since we both had the day free.
21. Why aren't you married?
Several reasons.  On the face of it, no one's ever asked me seriously.  More in-depth, I don't know that I could commit to marriage at the moment, both because I don't have the stability in my life that I'd want, and also because I have issues with commitments of that type.  Not that I'm unwilling to make life-long commitments at all, just that... well, issues and let's leave it at that.  Plus, marriage is great and all, but I'd really prefer to get married in a way which would allow more than two members of the partnership.  I don't really want to have an open marriage.  I want to have a marriage of many people.  Since that's not likely to ever happen, I may wind up with a marriage to one person, but with other people involved extra-legally.
22. Last movie you watched?
In the theater?  Toy Story III (I don't make it to the movies that often).  In general?  I may have watched a Marx Brothers flick last.  I can't remember.
23. What did you dream about last night?
I can remember this dream: I was at a library which was getting rid of a lot of books for incredibly cheap, and I was going through the shelf to pick out books and putting them on another shelf to hold onto them, and I kept accidentally putting the wrong books on the wrong shelf and knocking all the books on the floor.  It was tedious.  Also very nerdy.  Most people dream of discovering treasure; I dream of discovering cheap book sales.
24. What book are you reading?
I'm reading a very dry scholarly book on the early Middle Ages and one about math (specifically e and the various logarithmic implications thereof), plus I just finished up a trashy Margaret Weis fantasy novel but haven't moved on to the next in the series because fiction keeps me up at night and I've had enough trouble sleeping recently.
25. Summer or winter?
Winter.  I don't like the heat or the bugs and I do like snow and cold.  But I like some things about summer quite a bit, and some things about winter not so much.  It's not an easy decision, but winter wins fairly easily in the end.
26. Hugs or kisses?
Kisses by a slim margin.  I'd rather have both.
27. Do you have any special talents?
Depends on what one means by "special."  And actually by "talents," since sometimes people take that to mean "any bit of knowledge, acquired skill, or talent one might happen to possess that not everyone has."  I choose to interpret "talents" fairly literally; it can't be something I know or a skill I've learned, it has to be something which I just possess, even if it applies to knowledge or skills.  Thus, the answer is yes, but you'll have to see below for the actually interesting part because they chose for some unknown reason to split this into two questions.
28. What are they?
I have a talent for spacial sense; I can see things in three dimensions easily enough, and I always do quite well on those tests where they have you rotate objects in space and so on.  I have a talent for music but no skill at it.  I can sing quite well, I think, but have no training.  I can sing in harmony after having heard a melody quite briefly.  I can hear and remember music in a way which used to shock people when I was younger; I've always sung on key, even when I was practically a baby.  I have a mechanical instinct and also a practical sense of how things work which makes me think of certain things as being really easy when they aren't to most people.  I have a talent for rules; I'm terrible at most games, but I understand how to play them fairly quickly, and I was making up my own games when I was quite young too.  Now that I've tooted my own horn about this unbearably, I should say that I have very little talent for a lot of things too.  I have no dexterity for many things, I have very little talent for anything sporty, practically no fashion sense, and try as I might I seem to have no facility for drawing or playing musical instruments.  I "get" some mathematical concepts, but I have no talent for it as a result.  And my talents tend not to help so much in my life.  I may be able to rotate a model in my head, but I have no sense of direction at all.  I have mechanical sense, but I'm terrified of the inner workings of cars to the point where I let my mechanic do everything but clean my windshield.  I can sing, but we're not talking opera, and I don't have perfect pitch or some amazing quality that makes people weep.  And as I said, I can't play most games to save my soul, possibly because I never grew out of the phase where I like the rules more than I like the game, and so I get bored with the actual execution and just want to futz with the rules.
29. What did you watch on TV last?
As it was broadcast, as opposed to DVD or some other way?  Hell, I don't know, possibly The Tonight Show or something similarly inane.  I didn't choose it, but it was on.
30. What is your favorite sound?
You'd think this would be a sexual noise, but I think my favorite sound might actually be a cat purring.  Or possibly a waterfall.  There are many wonderful sounds, and I'm hard-pressed to pick just one.
31. Rolling Stones or The Beatles?
Both fine.  Neither makes the top of my list.
32. Most likely to respond to this meme?
Respond how?  This is one of those stupid incestuous blogging questions.  The people who liked it, I guess.  Or maybe not.  Fuck if I know.
33. Least likely to respond?
Pope Benedict XVI, assuming I have to pick someone who could conceivably respond.  Possibly Kim Jong Il.


Anonymous said...

fun reading your answers.

LOL at #12. Dreaming is discovering a cheap book sale is a really cool dream. ;-)

Naughty Lexi said...

The only problem I had with the dream was that I kept knocking over the books so I never got a chance to buy any of them before I woke up. They were some really crazy books too ;)

Anonymous said...

I have no particular comment other than to say that I LOVE (notice the all caps, I am yelling it) your style of writing, can't get enough.

I wonder if you are this witty and quick in spoken word. I like to think so.

Oh ya...you are also my type of skinny red head and when you talk about sex you make me hard. I still think the family thing is a little weird, but to each their incestuous own. :)

Anonymous said...

LOL! Knocking the books down? It couldn't just be a dream about buying books and moving on, huh? There had to be drama, involved. ROFLOL! Too funny. I don't know much about dreams but I'm sure that's a good meaning.

Naughty Lexi said...

@Kenny: I'm not as witty in real life because I can't edit myself before I post when I'm speaking. And I have no problem with people thinking I'm a bit odd for the family stuff; water off a duck's ass.

@TemptingSweets: Maybe it's just my brain telling me I have too damn many books already. No, can't be; there's no such thing as too many books ;)

inherservice said...

I loved you before, but to find out you actually know who the Marx Brothers are...

Naughty Lexi said...

Of course I know who the Marx brothers are. Karl and his somewhat lesser-known brother Franz, right? I think my favorite movie of theirs is Industrial Bourgeoisie Soup. Or possibly Proletariat Feathers.

Unknown said...

I never read these, but seeing as I see you as quite interesting, I thought it would be fun to see what made you"tick". I enjoyed it and found a lot of my answers similar to yours, though you do tend to self-analyze deeper than I do. #21 was interesting as I have blogged that subject many times and find it intriguing. #24 makes you sound on the nerdy side. I don't mean that as an insult, but rather as a compliment. You appear to be someone who might actually be my complement, but alas that is impossible as I'm already quite attached to another. Shucks!

Naughty Lexi said...

I am pretty nerdy, just not in your typical, pocket-protector-wearing way (as if my Marx Brothers joke in the previous comment wasn't enough to tell everyone that). And I'm good at self-analysis, I just can't do anything with it.