Friday, June 25, 2010

Flash Fiction Friday - Calculus

She is unapproachable. Behind unbreakable walls, form and void, she calls to me. Would that I could drag her up, step from greater dimensionality to lesser, phase into the background of her shadowed portrait, anything.

But she is a being of three dimensions, four if you count pesky time. I am mathematically incompatible. Her form will not project onto a hypercube, and all I can do is look on, unseen, as she passes back and forth in my sight but does not move.

Pygmalion knew nothing compared with my anguish. Perhaps I shall draw another axis in my form for suffering, and in exquisite irony move myself farther from her by the simple act of measuring how being far from her makes me suffer.

A study in chiaroscuro means nothing when light does not cause shadow and the geometry of Euclid shatters like my heart.

You're probably wondering what the hell I'm talking about (in 145 words, thank you very much).  So am I.  I don't really know where this came from, but I do know that I wrote it specifically for this picture, so don't go thinking I'm just writing random crap to meet a requirement.  Suffice to say that it is the only bit of erotica (if so it can be called) I know of which involves hyper-dimensionality and non-Euclidian geometry.  I gots a big ol' brain on me.

I bet you do too, actually.  Right now, you're saying to yourself, "Hey, I'm a math major and I could write a sexier story than this, but with the Riemann zeta function."  Either shit or get off the pot, smart guy or gal.  The website is right there.  Go do it.  I bet you don't even know what the Riemann zeta function is, and it certainly isn't going to find Fermat's Last Theorem sexy.

I should probably sleep more.


Luna Mauvaise said...

That's too much math for a bookworm. ;) But, I dig the piece. Happy FFF.

The Panserbjørne said...

"Pygmalion knew nothing when compared with your anguish", eh? :) I'm tempted to offer a spanking for your temerity....but anybody who can make mathematics even remotely sexy possesses talents of which I don't even have the vaguest suggestions. So thanks for this complexly convoluted construction and thanks for putting your unique stamp on this week's theme! Appreciate you joining us.

-- PB

lila said...

I only got up to calculus 2 before I 'got off the pot' but this story makes me want to know more about math! great job.

Diable Incarne said...

"She is unapproachable. Behind unbreakable walls, form and void, she calls to me."

A siren's song of sorts while she hides behind these self made barriers... *smiles*

A nice, and utterly unique, piece, this.

Happy Friday.

Naughty Lexi said...

In fairness, PB, my narrator is a bit temerous (which is a word, spellcheck, no matter how much you'd like to deny it) and if you're living hyperdimensionally, I suppose there's bound to be some hyper-drama.

Anonymous said...

I found this to be very original!!! And I really find your after-story explanation kinda funny.

I don't remember calculus that way though... hmmmm! Happy belated FFF :)

netsfan_44 said...

I find u a compeling women .. your writing is .. unique ... and I think thats attractive ! *smile* I look forward to reading your work every week !