Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Comments Redux

Because I moderate my comments I know when I have them, which means I do try to respond to them, particularly if they're a question or comment suitable to response. But because Blogger doesn't tell me what post those comments are for, if they happen to be for a post way back in the mists of time, I often have a hard time figuring out where they are. This is a major failing on Blogger's part, I think.

Anyway, I totally encourage people to post comments on any post they want, including posts way back in the mists of time. I read them all. But I may not respond because I can't figure out where the fucking post is so I can respond. Never let it be said that Blogger is operating a forum. In any case, comment away, and don't be shy just because I might not have responded. I did read it, I promise. And again, if it's a question, I'll make a post about it rather than simply responding in another comment. I do that anyway. You're safe there.

Sorry, this is pretty much just me venting about Blogger. If I weren't poor and lazy, I'd go with something else. Hell, I could get a domain and write my own blogging software complete with all the features I'm looking for, and I wouldn't be saddled with a TOS like Blogger's either. Poor and lazy, remember. Not necessarily in that order either, so don't expect the situation to change even when I get money. Plus the fact that, to secure a domain, you have to give out more information than I'm willing to give. Stupid Internet anonymity screws me again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Guilty as charged. I had to go to your "me" labels so I could get a good perv at your tuchus. That is a frustrating feature with blogger. I do the whole email me when someone comments option. Then, it shows which post you commented on. Plus, you can automatically email them. Less talk, more tuchus.