Tuesday, March 9, 2010


I am up to my tits in work at the moment, hence the lack of postage. If I were international mail, I would definitely be held up at the distribution center. I think I keep up enough to be local mail though. Wow, that was an incredibly stupid joke/pun.

I saw Simon again this weekend. It was a bit awkward, and oddly enough that's a good thing. If he hadn't felt awkward about it, I would have labeled him a jackass player and moved on. But either he felt awkward about having fucked a coworker of sorts, or he felt awkward about the way things turned out, or possibly both. I know I was feeling a little of column A, a little of column B.

If it had worked out really well and then been really awkward the next time we met, that would be one thing. But we were both at work, so to speak, so it's allowed to be a bit awkward. I know a few people were nodding and winking and knowing that something went on between the two of us, which only served to make me feel more embarrassed about the whole thing. But I don't think he's the jackass I've perhaps made him out to be. I might get another evening of enjoyment out of him if I play my cards right. Can't say that I care one way or the other, except he was good enough to go back for seconds. And I like sex. News flash, there.

Sveta just came through mid-terms, which means she was stressed as hell and we had a few spats over the phone, just little shit which doesn't matter. It's okay. Fighting is fine, as long as it's just fussin' and not feudin'. All is forgiven. I can't wait until she gets the time to come home again. Yes, she's coming home to me. My house is now her home. I declare it. So shall it be written, so shall it be done. Also, she thinks she did well on the tests, which is good too. Soon she'll be better-educated than I am. Never thought I'd be the dumb one in a relationship, but apparently I'll have to go for barefoot and pregnant in front of the stove while she brings home the bacon. I'm okay with that.

Other than that, not much to report. Once I get more time, I hope to be able to do some more writing, but for right now, I'm dreaming about doing work, waking up, and doing work. It's a non-stop litany of work. Hoo-freaking-ray.

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