Sunday, July 4, 2010

Happy 'Splodey Day!

If you don't happen to be in a place which celebrates July 4th, then you should laugh at us foolish Americans and our silly unsingable national anthem every other day but this one, when we co-opt the 1812 Overture and various marches by Sousa and go all black powder on your asses.

I love fireworks.  I could care less about flag-waving and painting myself red, white, and blue and picnics and patriotic nonsense, but I love me some fireworks.  I also like the 1812 Overture and various marches by Sousa.  And I like my country, just not jingoistically.

Which is why I will be celebrating 'Splodey Day by having Sveta over any minute now, getting naked with the people I love, and having some internal explosions before dark, at which point I will go out and detonate legal fireworks.  We don't go watch fireworks displays because we don't like the heat and crowds and traffic and so forth, which is too bad because I like the big fireworks, but I also like the smaller ones.  And if we stay in our backyard, we can watch fireworks naked, with the possible inclusion of further festivities.  But I am responsible (really, I take firework safety very seriously), so I will be lighting the fireworks with no distractions and there will be no sex while holding sparklers.  A fun time will be had by all.

And then to bed with my favorite teen minx for some long-overdue snuggle time.

I hope that, even if you're not patriotic, even if you think July 4th is a stupid holiday, even if you're not from the US and have your own occasions to set off fireworks, you'll have a good day today.  It's the festive anticipation talking.  Tomorrow, back to cynicism and bitterness.


The Wyvern said...

Intriguingly, the Star Spangled Banner is based on a similar tune to God Save the Queen (or King), which use to be an old drinking song.

Anonymous said...

That looks like good plans to me!! Enjoy. ;-)

Naughty Lexi said...

When I first learned that our national anthem was a drinking song, I was amused. Then I thought about it for a second, and realized that it's the worst drinking song ever because it really isn't much of a tune to sing; it's too high for the low parts and too low for the high parts. People always give singers crap for not being able to sing the song, or make it sound like it's easy, but speaking as a singer, it's not. Drunks probably don't care how bad they sound though, so there's something.