Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Stolen Meme

I stole this from Sephi who stole it from other people, and I'm doing it because I haven't done a Trivia Tuesday in a while, so I've scheduled it for now.  I've probably answered most of these questions before, but what the hell, for newer viewers, right?

1. Fail moment in the last week?
I was asking someone why I hadn't seen her husband around lately, and she told me she was getting a divorce.  Oops.  I hate things like that; that's why I try never to assume.  But they'd been married for a long time, kids and the lot.  It made me embarrassed and sad at the same time because I like both of them.
2. Most memorable job?
Meh.  I've worked some plays which were memorable, but in terms of "job" being memorable, nothing to compete with many people, I'm sure.  I was a terrible bouncer for one night once and almost got myself arrested.  Does that count?
3. Favorite pizza topping?
I like all sorts of things on my pizza, and I couldn't really say I have a favorite.  When all else fails, I go for pepperoni, but I like BBQ on pizza, or Sicilian white pizza (different from your garden variety) or lots of veg, or taco stuff, or just really good mozzarella, fresh plum tomatoes, and basil.  I won't eat olives on a pizza, and I'm not a fan of pineapple either, but I've had some weird-ass pizzas and enjoyed them.  I've eaten pizza made with hummus instead of sauce before.
4. Most embarrassing CD?
Sister Hazel?  Puddle of Mudd?  Four different Hootie and the Blowfish CDs?  I don't know, my taste is really bad.
5. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
Yes.  No, wait, I mean, no, why would you think that.  No, I mean... shit, you can't really type sarcasm, it's all in the tone.  Yeah, right.  In the tone.  So yes.  Or not.  What do you think?
6. Favorite ice cream flavor?
There was once this Häagen-Dazs ice cream which was chocolate from these very rare and really strong beans from the rain forest or something, and while I wouldn't step over my own mother to get some because I don't like ice cream that much, I liked that.  But what people don't understand is that things which are cold don't taste as much.  It's the truth.  Chocolate, in particular, doesn't taste as good unless it's at the temperature of the human body.  Seriously, that's the temperature that chocolate tastes best at.  And people wonder if there's a god.
7. What do you miss most?
Right now?  People who aren't here.  If you mean, "What causes you the most amount of anguish when you don't have it?" then I'm not sure.  I'm lucky enough not to have to miss many things.  I do miss some though, but I wouldn't want to quantify.
8. Last thing you ate?
Crappy restaurant food of various buffet varieties.  I think I had a piece of fruit absolutely last, so that's probably what's on top.
9. The first thing you notice about the opposite sex?
Opposite sex?  Silhouette.  Most people see shapes before they see details, and I think that's definitely true about seeing new people.  I notice the general shape first, not because I care that much, just because that's what I see first.  Then I see the face, lips and eyes mostly.  I couldn't describe most people's noses.  But then I'm not a very visual person in a lot of ways.
10. Most painful experience with contacts?
When I was young I heard all sorts of horror stories about how people would wear contacts but they would migrate up behind their eyes and get into their brains and now those people couldn't speak Spanish any more.  Shit like that.  So thank God I never had to wear them.  I wore glasses for a period, but my eyes aren't bad enough to need them.  At some point I'll have to start wearing them again, and even though I know now that contacts have become much better, I still don't think I'd wear them.
11. Movie you want to see?
Toy Story 3.  I have worries, but I've never been disappointed by Pixar, and I know I'd rather see it in the big screen because if I don't and it's good, I'll be sorry.
12. Weirdest thing you've had in bed?
This would probably fall under the category of superlatives, and as I've explained in the past, I have trouble with them because I can never tell exactly what is meant by the superlative.  One girl's weird is another girl's orgasm.  Unless this means weird objects, in which case I've had a copy of Liddell Hart's Strategy personally autographed by Dan Quayle in my bed.  Wow, the prepositions ran together in that sentence.  I have a copy of the book in question, and for some reason it has Dan Quayle's autograph in it, and the book with the autograph was in my bed.  That's kind of odd.  In terms of sex acts, you name it, it's probably been in my bed at some point, except for scat and a few other deviances that I either don't go in for or know better than to do in my bed.
13. What book(s) are you reading? 
I'm reading a collection of Russian literature right now, but I expect to finish that in the next day or two and then start in on something else.
14. Word you edge into every conversation to make yourself sound superior?
This is one of those, "When did you stop having sex with sheep?" type questions; you can't answer it without admitting that you drop 25 cent words into conversations to sound superior.  Some of the people with whom I associate think I do this because they don't know what simple everyday words mean, so when I use a word that doesn't feature in kids books, they assume that I'm trying to play up my intelligence.  What I actually do is use words that don't exist, not to make myself sound smarter, but because I can't think of the actual word I want.  But I do use big words sometimes unconsciously, and I know what they mean.  Scary, right?
15. Name you thought would be really cool to give the fruit of your loins without really thinking it through?
I don't have a fruit of my loins.  My parents tell me that I really wanted to name Mike Dibble, but I was quite young at the time and thought that was the greatest name ever for a boy.  If I have kids (maybe I should be more hopeful and say when, but I'm not feeling hopeful at the moment) it'll be down to what they look like when they're born.  I'm not a fan of naming babies before they are around to be named.  Many people have done that and either changed their minds when they saw the kid or regretted it later.  
16. Thing you think you're slightly too anal about?
I'm pretty anal about collecting series and accumulating data.  Seriously, the series thing is okay, but I will collect data without ever really needing it, ebooks, movies, documents, and file it all away.  I'll archive things like crazy.  If I didn't have a computer and a CD burner, I'd be up a creek.
17. Thing you wish you were slightly more anal about?
Cleanliness?  Organization?  Sleep schedules?  I don't really want to be anal about anything except anal, but I wish I could be more on top of certain details of my life.
18. Proud moment?
I was quite pleased with my work on the last show I did.  Fortunately this doesn't say "proudest" so we avoid the superlative trap.
19. Dish you can cook with confidence?
All sorts of things, depending on the audience.  If I'm not terrified of making a poor impression, I can cook basically anything.  I'm sabotaged by my inner critic.
20. Reason why you're doing a meme instead of a real blog?
Oh yeah?  Fuck you, question.  Fuck you in the eye socket.  I'll do what I want, bitch.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOL! This was fun to read (especially that last answer). ;-)