Thursday, March 24, 2011

Because I've Got Nothing Better To Do

How popular/unpopular would it be if I put in some buttons to let you save your favorite look of the site, so it would keep showing that whenever you showed up instead of always randomizing? Because I've figured it out, and I'm just interested in taking a straw poll; some people really hate online persistence and cookies and so forth (okay, some people include me) but maybe since the blog is already saving at least one cookie because of the Content Warning (in capital letters no less)... Yeah, anyway, I could do it. Because I said it would be too much trouble, and then I went ahead and did it anyway. I've tested it out on my test blog (yes I have a test blog, and no there's nothing worth seeing on it) and it seemed to work fine for me. Of course, I don't want the UI to get so bloated that it takes up all the space, but I also want it to be easy to use. Hence the change from button saying "Random" to little shuffle icon. Hopefully that didn't throw everyone. More attractive but less intuitive.

I haven't been sleeping well of late (well, that's not really news, but recently it's been particularly bad) which I blame on Daylight Savings Time, or as I call it, Devil Shit-Ass Fuck You Stupid Clock Fuckity Fuck Time. I know the acronym doesn't work and I don't care. And I know that it's probably not really DST's fault, but I've got little else to blame.

This means that I've been up sometimes when Dad is heading to work, and while we haven't had a repeat performance like his first recovery erection, I've still had some nice showers with him and his magic fingers. They take me right back to growing up. I remember sitting next to him as either Sheri or Mom rode him, and he'd sneak a hand over and slip a finger up into me, moving it in time with his other partner's motions, and it was like we were all three making love. He has thick fingers, but not stubby, and being fingered by him is a gentle experience but it fills me up nicely.

Because of the show, I've been working crazy hours, which means I might be home at any time, but because of the sleep deprivation I haven't really been enjoying it. I've been watching Green Acres (I love that show and I don't care who knows it) and doodling with Javascript on the blog and noodling with design ideas for banners to add to the rotation. Playing solitaire. Rereading Treasure Island.

Sveta is having the time of her life. I know I haven't been talking about her much recently, and that's partially because talking about her reminds me of how much I miss her. But she'll be coming home soon for break. Unless she decided to go off with Ernst. Like I said, having the time of her life. She says they fuck almost every day, lucky minx. He still wears a condom every time, at least according to her, but I really wonder how long that will last because since she's not likely to get any cream at home, she might go looking for it from him. And I wouldn't blame her if she did decide to go bareback with him; they're clean, young, and perhaps, I shudder to think, in love. Okay, so I do really shudder to think it, but not really really. As I've said many times before, I would be perfectly happy for her if she found someone and had a relationship with them which took precedence. I think it would be good for her. I'd miss her terribly, but you know, set them free, etc. etc.

Selfishly, of course, I don't want her to leave me. And I hope that, should she decide to move on, she'd still be my friend (with possible benefits) and still view this house as her home and us as her family. I have no reason to believe she wouldn't. Hell, I have no reason to believe anything. We've talked, I've made it plain that, while I'd love to see her for Easter (or whenever the hell it is), she can decide whatever she wants and I won't hate her for it. Midterms come first anyway.

Beyond that, not much at the ol' manse. So, if you'd like to see the option (and it would be optional) of saving your banner and border preferences, give me a sign. If not, I won't be sad.


Advizor54 said...

i like the randomization, but, to be totally honest, I don't really care. The banner is cool, seeing your pictures is hot, but reading the words is why I'm here, so if you want to simplify your life you can put up a white paper background with black 12 pt. TimesNewRoman font and I'd still pop wood upon reading.

As for shower time, those are wonderful moments, and Sveta? Well, stay optimistic, invite them BOTH over for spring break, and see what gifts the Easter Bunny Brings....

Naughty Lexi said...

Fair enough. It's all just bells and whistles, I agree, and if I added the save function it would be voluntary. I'm not doing this blog to make pictures; I'm just having a bit of fun.

As for inviting both of them... well, you never know.

Lusting Lola! said...

I like the random, too.