Tuesday, March 22, 2011

They Say It's Your Birthday

It's my birthday too, yeah.

Okay, so it's not my birthday. But it is a blogiversary, a blogthday, a blogibration. That's right, today, four years ago, I started this mess. I had no idea what I was getting myself into.

For all those people who believe that I don't pay attention to my fans, I've changed the banner. It is now halfway between the skinny and the large. Don't compromises kick ass? But that's not all.

If you've got Javascript running (and a reasonably modern browser) I've programmed some fun. First, as you might have noticed when you arrived, the banner and the borders randomize. Maybe they randomly decided to stay the same for you; you can hit refresh if you like to try your luck again. But while you could hit refresh, you'd be much happier looking over to your right, where the poll used to sit, because I went crazy and added some bells and whistles to the bells and whistles.

Assuming you've got a browser that can cope with this sort of thing, you should see two numbers and a button which says, "Random." Click the button. Go on, I dare you. There now, wasn't that easier than hitting refresh? But the numbers are the coolest part; you can choose your banner and border (in that order) by those numbers. Go on, give it a try. See the different (16 in all) combinations. Choose your favorite. Tell me about it.

Now, if all of the above isn't working for you, I should say a few things. First, the experience should gracefully degrade, so if it doesn't work, you should still see a banner and a border, just not a random one. Second, I'm not a Javascript guru; I ginned this up in a few hours with jQuery and it's definitely not fault-tolerant; your mileage may vary. Third, if the connection is slow, it might take a moment for the changes to happen, but once you have the images cached, the changes take place much more quickly. Fourth, if you're looking at the page on a phone, I have no idea what will happen. Damn kids and your computer-phones.

It's a bit of fun. If everyone hates it, or it only works for me and no one else, or it's slowing the site way down, let me know. I just wanted to have some fun for the blogiversary party. Now, get yourself a beverage of your choice, have a slice of cake if there's one in the house, and sing along with me!

Oh, and for those who can't see the assorted banners, here you go.

This just in:


France said...

You're the coolest chick in blogland. Happy blogiversary!

Max said...

Happy Blogoversary, and here's to a bang-up year 5. :-)

(raises glass)

P.S.: love the bells and whistles!

Jim said...

You're a technological marvel, young lady :-)


Advizor54 said...

Well happy freakin' birthday!!!
Four years of pouring your soul out, sharing yrou secrets, and making us horny. Good work, and please get to #5!!!

As for the banner and border? My favorite combinatino is border = 0 Banner=1

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary! Ohhhh! Ahhh! I love your random theme picker. I like all the themes. Very nice!!! Very creative!

Marcus Myself said...

Very cool toys - thank you. As far as feedback, I am on an iPhone and the buttons work fine.

As for getting a slice, I wouldn't mind trying yours ;-)

Naughty Lexi said...

Well it sounds like the bells and whistles (and bells and whistles for the bells and whistles) have been a rousing success. That's great!

@France: Coolest? Because I know how to program Javascript? I must have missed a memo on the change in definition of "cool" ;) Thanks hun.

@Max: Here's to year 5 indeed! *raises glass*

@Jim: If I were really a technological marvel, I would have made it so the site remembered your settings ;) But technological whiz-kid, maybe ;)

@Advizor: I have no plans to not get to #5. I have to say, I think banner #1 goes with border #4 best myself, but that's the wonderful nature of choice; I don't have to tell you what to enjoy ;)

@TemptingSweets: I plan to add some more as I come up with them. Maybe eventually there'll be so many options that no one can possibly look at them all. Glad you like the limited selection so far.

@Marcus: Okay, so we're good on the iPhone too. Now if only there were a way to share cake over the internet... oh, wait, you weren't talking about cake were you? ;)

Marcus Myself said...

Cake is fine but I am sure you are MUCH better
Oh, and happy Blogiday

The Panserbjørne said...

Geeky women are sexy, sexy women. It only adds to your allure. :)

Happy anniversary (I still hate the word "blog") and here's hoping for many more from you.

-- PB

Naughty Lexi said...

@PB: If geeky women are sexy, why aren't geeky men? Double standard! ;) I'm not terribly fond of "blog" either; it really sounds like something left in the toilet after a particularly trying time. But I must embrace it, because I've got no other word to fall back on. English is a language replete with synonym, but it hasn't caught up with "blog" yet.

The Panserbjørne said...

Lexi: Maybe geek guys ARE sexy. I wouldn't know, not swinging in that direction. :) (My bicuriousness tends to be more oriented towards the "twink" type, which is not particularly geeky in nature, except perhaps when they're wearing glasses).

-- PB

Naughty Lexi said...

@PB: I can't honestly say that I find being able to program Javascript particularly sexy in either sex, but hey, that's me ;)

Lusting Lola! said...

I'm a couple days late but still wanted to chime in. HAPPY Blogiversary, chica. I totally agree with France. :) Love, love all the bells and whistles.

Naughty Lexi said...

@Lola: So you're late. So what. It's party all the time around here ;) Late is fashionable.