Sunday, March 27, 2011

Filler Because I'm Not Here

I'm not in today, and I had this filler just screaming to be used, and so you get some filler (which I got from France and she got from someone else, and so on and so on) while I'm gone. Play nice, children, and you can have a popsicle from the fridge if you like.

1. (via Angel) Where is your most sensitive spot that you did not expect to be sensitive?

Okay, so knowing about anatomy and so forth I never actually expected that the wall between my pussy and ass would be so delightfully sensitive. I don't know what it is; it's not like there are that many nerve endings there, and it's in the opposite direction from what you'd expect, but I love the sensation.

2. Do you like oral sex?

Hell yes. Give and receive, any gender.

3. Have you ever tasted someone that tasted just of the nastiest nasty ever?

I actually have. I told this story a while back.

4. drunk text me right now!

Hey, I'm drunk and I need a ride home because I don't believe in driving drunk. Can you come get me? Yeah, I write like that even when drunk, and since I don't text...

5. How many partners have you had?

Ever so much more than twenty...

6. Have you ever had your ass licked?

Yes. Not my thing, and they'd better not think they're going to come right up after and give me a big sloppy kiss.

7. Do you like anal sex?

Does the Pope shit in the woods?

8. Girls will you have sex on your period?

I will, but I feel a bit odd doing it. If my partner(s) are okay with it, then I'll deal, and lord knows I get horny during my period. But I prefer to maybe steer guys toward the rear entrance, so to speak.

9. Sex in a public place?

Of course.

10. Are you lusting after someone right now?

Just one someone?

11. drunk text me again...

Hey I texted you ten minutes ago; please come get me.

12. One word to describe your sex style.

Naughty. You expected maybe something else?

13. One word to describe your kissing style.


14. Shaved, trimmed or full bush?

I was full, then I trimmed because full was a bit extreme, and then I shaved because trimming was more of a pain than it was worth. But I keep hearing about lasers and how much they've improved techniques, and I'm very tempted.

15. Do you have a blogger crush?

I had one, a long time ago, but not now I don't think. I'm not sure the definition of the term though.

16. Fantasy?

I have so many. I talk about some of them regularly.

17. How do you nurse your sore crotch after being used like a punching bag?

Anyone who uses my crotch as a punching bag had better be prepared to have certain parts of their anatomy used in similar fashion, only with less restraint and more biting. If I'm sore after a long session, I'll take something or sit the next day out. I don't have any particular treatment.

18. (I'm grasping here running out of questions) a hot pic if you want.

19. What do you think about bondage?

A little light bondage is fine. The heavy stuff isn't something I'm into. Fantasy-wise, I'm probably a bit more extreme than I'd ever be in real life, and in real life I don't tend to go that way for pleasure. Nothing against it, just not really my scene.

20. Talking dirty hot or not?

I think most people, when they talk "dirty" are pretty silly. There have been some times when it's been sexy, but that's the exception, not the rule. Naughty or sexy talk is one thing, but "Tell me how much you like my big cock in your tight little pussy, slut!" is either insulting or silly most of the time.

21. Put a question you want to ask for next weeks 21 questions!

France asked "Which one is easier to organize for a woman... a MFM or a FFM?" and before I post my own question, I'd just like to weigh in on that and say that it's definitely a FFM. Just by nature. I think an FFM is easier to organize period.

As for my question... Does size matter to you? I know I've talked about this, but I'd be curious to hear what other people thought on that score.


France said...

Love your hot pic!! hehe

Can't stop laughing at #6.

For me, size matters. I'm more interested in girth vs length.

Naughty Lexi said...

I'm such a tease. I think I might be there with you on the length vs. girth thing, but I would say that while size can make a good lover better, it can't make a bad lover good. I set the size bar fairly low too; tiny is one thing, but once you hit a certain, fairly achievable size, anything past that is just gravy (pun somewhat intended). But great to hear other opinions on that, because I think it's an elephant in the room that no one is willing to talk about, and it should be talked about.