Friday, March 4, 2011

Flash Fiction Friday - Crack

Schlampenfieber by Ben Marcato

Position #359: The Sharp Crack

Next time you're looking for adventure, why not find an abandoned industrial park with your man. Have him wrap his legs around a pole, then sit on his chest until he begs for mercy.

Warning: Do not attempt if your man has back problems or a history of brittle bones.

She was there with him, like she promised she wouldn't be. They weren't parking cars or dressed as valets. The hotel had gone out of business years ago.

As she straddled his chest and inched her silk-clad cunt down to his ugly face, I heard a sharp crack. Not his spine; no, I wasn't that lucky. My heart was breaking.

I could hear a sharp crack as the tattered flag above me whipped in the wind. I had to restrain my trained instinct to turn, look for the muzzle flash. My focus was on him.

"Where is Chernyakov?" I asked again, putting more weight against his bruised chest, tugging the rope around his neck. "Tell me, or I break you."

He talked. They always do, given enough leverage.

I could probably go on. With pieces this short, it feels almost like cheating not to do at least three. But in the end, three is what we have, because I'm out of ideas and I'm too busy to think too long on this.

I don't even really count the first; it was just the immediate response. I can see some women's magazine running out of Kama Sutra positions to do and moving on to esoterica. Along with "The Sharp Crack," in the advanced class we'll cover:

  • The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
  • The Creutzfeldt-Jakob Syndrome
  • The Mighty Joe Young
  • The Internal Combustion Engine
  • The Diving Bell and the Butterfly
  • The Running of the Bulls
  • The Chinese Fire Drill
  • The Spinster Aunt
  • The DEFCON 1

And perhaps most devastating of all:

  • Captain Lumpy's Fun-Time Parade

I urge you not to try any of these positions without consulting your physician. They can be fun but they can also be deadly.

Enough of this gay banter. The second isn't my best work; if you're terribly confused by it, I'm sorry. The third was more fun, although I wish I had enough space to figure out why she's looking for Chernyakov wearing that outfit. Maybe she's a spy disguised as a prostitute. I don't know.

I'm a really, really glad I don't have to host Flash Fiction Friday this week because PB is much better at it than I am. Hope everyone who played had fun last week and didn't miss him too terribly, but now that he's back, if you're not playing this week, why the Hell not? I mean, did we offend you in some way? Don't you like writing short, sexy stories? What's wrong with you? Go! Now! I won't take no for an answer.


Advizor54 said...

i like the second one the best for the emotion content, both the breaking heart and the loss of the hotel, of abandonment and hopelessness, the emptiness of heart and building.

And that Chernyakov is always such a bastard....

The Panserbjørne said...

I think -- no, I know -- that I like the third one best. In fact it makes me wish I'd made the word length restriction a lot longer so there was more time and space to explore that one.

All three are well done, as is par for the course with you. But there's something about the last one, a hidden history or something, I just really like.

Thanks for playing! Happy FFF.

-- PB

Anonymous said...

Those were a riot Lexi. I don't think I have a favorite this week out of yours, although the Chernyakov one was close.

Naughty Lexi said...

What, nobody wants me to describe the various positions I listed? Okay then...

@Advizor: I'm glad it worked for someone; I was kind of disappointed in it myself, mostly because there were just a few more sentences I really wish I could have wrung out of it.

@PB: If it had been longer, maybe it wouldn't have been so good. You've got to stick by your guns, and sometimes that means that we get a really short assignment. The third is my favorite too; I feel like I'm saying, in front of my children, that I love one of them more. But it's true. The third is best.

@wordwytch: No need to play favorites; they're so short it's almost not worth it ;) Glad I could start a riot.

Max said...

Three very nice, and quite distinct takes! If made to choose, I'll pick the third one - it tells a lot of story in just a few words. But #1 makes me laugh...and hopefully I'll never get all the way down to #359 on your list.

Happy FFF!

Naughty Lexi said...

@Max: If I made you laugh with 1 and you liked 3, then my work here is done ;) But I'm not making you choose. 3 just struck me in the phrase: I've heard flags whipping around with sounds that could definitely be described as cracks, and sounded enough like gunshots that the image worked for me. Then I just had to figure out a way to work it into the picture.

France said...

I have no clue what those positions are about! Do we have assignments between classes? :)

A heart breaking is a pretty powerful mute sound.

Anonymous said...

The first one made me laugh real hard, so it's my favorite. But 'The Diving Bell and the Butterfly' made me laugh even harder. Great movie, great position.
I love you, Lexi.

- Papa Bear

Naughty Lexi said...

@France: That's why you pay me $1000 for the advanced manual ;) No, only kidding; three easy payments of $329.99. Complete with incredibly crude drawings and vague descriptions, it'll have you scratching your head and wondering what sort of drugs I was on at the time.

@Papa Bear: That one does require some extra equipment (sold separately) like a hyperbaric chamber to combat the Bends ;)