Wednesday, March 16, 2011

TMI Wednesday

Because I'm always late and because I never see these things until after it's too late to do anything about them. Originally from Hedone, via Max who brought it to my attention.

1. How old are you?

Twenty-something, as it says on my bio, although I'll admit that I'm more rapidly approaching a time when that will no longer be true than I'd like. Yeah, feeling a bit aging some days. My knees, though, are 187 years old next week.

2. What's your favorite color?

I like black, red, purple, and hell even pink sometimes. I like rich, deep colors; never been a fan of pastel. Dark colors really accentuate features I like in myself.

3. First car you ever had sex in?

A VW of some kind. What do you want? I'm a girl.

4. Favorite rated R movie?

R-Rated is the more popular way of saying this. Let's see, Twelve Monkeys and Ronin are both rated R. I like them. Pretty sure Monty Python and the Holy Grail is rated R too. That's three off the top of my head.

5. Favorite flavor of Popsicle

Lime. If watermelon were a reasonable option I'd go for that, but it's not. I've only had watermelon once. So since lime can be had, I'll go for that.

6. Banana or apple?

I don't like apples much. I guess banana.

7. Favorite Jersey shore character?

I find myself echoing Max here, except I'm going to get even more topical and say whichever one kills the show by pulling a Charley Sheen. Bam.

8. Are your nails painted and if so what color?

Not currently. Occasionally I'll paint them, which is why you might see my nails done in pictures (if you were looking closely). I went through a phase of painting them constantly, but now they just get ruined at work.

9. Favorite animal?

I like cats of all kinds, from tigers to kittens. I guess they're my favorite animal. But I like animals in general quite a bit, so it's a tough call.

10. If you could bang a Disney character who would it be?

So many to choose from. So many I've thought about. I have had sex to so many Disney movies it ain't even funny. Not because I'm some kind of Disney-loving freak or anything, just because they happened to be on when the urge struck. I've talked about this before. Maybe Ariel? I don't know; it's really a tough choice to have to make.

11. What time is bed time?

Whenever I'm in bed.

12. Do you have kids?

No. Shut up, biological clock.

13. Last time you bought a toilet brush?

A long time ago, when I lived somewhere else. It's not that I wouldn't buy one now, but I just haven't.

14. Double penetration (come on I had to get one in)

That's not a question. No, seriously, it's not. That's like asking me, "Oxygen?" or "Autonomic nervous system?"

15. Bubble bath or long hot shower?

Tough call. I like showers for cleanliness; baths don't usually make me feel clean. But when joined by another interested party, baths are lots of fun.

16. Can you speak a foreign language?

I can swear in several. I know POW German, elementary French (but I've forgotten most of that), very basic Russian (but I'm working on that) and a smattering of a few other languages. Nothing impressive.

17. Describe yourself in 2 words?

Naughty girly. That should be obvious.

18. How many tattoos do you have if any?

None. I might one day get one, but I'm scared of needles and hepatitis.

19. How do you like your eggs?

It depends on what I'm eating with them. Sometimes I like them scrambled, and I do mean scrambled eggs. Sometimes I like an omelet, which I'm not so good at making; mine taste just fine, but they don't look pretty. Sometimes I want a fried egg, and I can actually do decent fried eggs too; I like the yolks runny, so generally sunny-side-up. And sometimes I want a hard-boiled egg, which I have a complicated procedure to produce stolen from Julia Child, but which produces perfect hard-boiled eggs. I don't use it often.

20. How do you get rid of a hickey...I need to know.

I've heard all sorts of things; the one I like best is not getting one in the first place.

21. Favorite color to wear.

Black or dark red or purple. I wear things of other colors all the time, but I find myself in black often enough. It goes with everything and it makes my hair pop.


Anonymous said...

I'm reading this on Tuesday, so you are not late for TMI Tuesday. You should let Hedone know you participated. ;-)

LOL! Your knees will be 187 years next week?

I think I've seen Ronin before. I don't remember but the title sounds familiar.

Yes, I've seen Julia Child's boiled egg method, which makes me want to just do my own thing with the egg. ;-)

Anonymous said...

theres that toilet brush question again. weird one for sure.

i would answer cats of all kinds too :)

Max said...

Nice answers. :-)

I thought of a better answer to #7 later: "the one driving when the bus-load of them runs off a cliff."

#10: I seriously considered Ariel too....

Happy TMI...Wednesday!

Naughty Lexi said...

@TemptingSweets: Ronin is Di Niro, directed by Frankenheimer. I believe there are other movies named Ronin or similar, but I'm not thinking of those. And Julia Child's egg method is actually the Egg Council's endorsed egg method, and I make hard-boiled eggs about once every year. And my knees are old. Old old old.

@That Girl: I have no idea about the toilet brush. I guess it's supposed to illuminate my domesticity or lack thereof.

@Max: I was going to make a suicide bomber joke for #7, but stopped myself.

Advizor54 said...

I'd like to see you in black with hair that pops. I can imagine its quite stunning.

Naughty Lexi said...

Oh, it is stunning. Like a cattle prod, my popping hair in black ;)