Saturday, March 5, 2011

Something Nice

I am really, really tired; work took it out of me today. But I had to drop in for a short little post.

I got an email the other day from a nice gal representing, purveyors of many exciting sex toys and supplies. I'm sure many of you have heard of them. Anyway, she was asking if I'd like to be a reviewer. I know it's not a big deal at all; I believe Sephi has reviewed some toys of theirs, as probably have other bloggers. But it tickled me because no one has ever asked me before.

Because I have a policy about connecting my real self to this blog which involves not giving out my address, no matter how nice the offer (oh, but the temptation), I had to decline, but I felt like she was nice enough about it that it was worth mentioning, because hey, they asked little ol' me to review a sex toy. With my tiny readership (I love you all, and if you were legion I don't know that I could love each and every one of you as effectively), I'm not sure I'm the best bet as far as marketing is concerned, but still, I was touched. So,, consider yourself on my good list, and consider yourself pimped.


I feel so famous. Like I'm some kind of celebrity trendsetter. Go out and buy ben wa balls, my minions!


France said...

Hahaha you pimp!!! I received the same offer. If I weren't so cheap, I'd rent a postal box to protect my address. But damn... free toys, lingerie too!!

Naughty Lexi said...

So tempted. So very tempted. Free toys are an incredible temptation, because lately, financial situation being what it is, I haven't been able to buy much of anything beyond some toys for other people. But I have a collection that is more that sufficient for most things, and anything esoteric... God, I just wanted to say, "Yes, please send me something anal-related to review!" because I'm dying for anal right now. But I shall remain strong. I'd have to rent a PO box out of state to sate my ravening paranoia, and it's just not worth it. Not even for delightful free toys :(

Advizor54 said...

I was offered a position in the new Nigerian government if I only helped the Prime Minister's Wife get $40,000,000 out of the country. But, tragically, I too had to decline, because they didn't offer me a single sex-toy.

Naughty Lexi said...

Hun, never take the position; always take the money. Being in the Nigerian government sounds romantic, but in the end you wind up spending all your time writing emails.