Tuesday, October 20, 2009

56 Things About Lexi

Which was brazenly stolen from Turn the Paige because she brazenly stole it from someone else, and anyway I'm not stealing her answers, although they are good ones. Justification much?

  • Nervous habits: I bite my nails and cuticles, have a callus on my knuckle from nibbling at it, tap my toes, fiddle with my hair, touch myself inappropriately, rock, and basically belong in an institution. I'm sane. Perfectly sane. She's really not. She's crazy, and I should know, because I'm living in her brain and I can't get out.
  • Are you double jointed: I'm not very flexible at all, when it comes down to it. When I was younger I could pull of some positions I can't touch now.
  • Can you roll your tongue: Yes, although I wish I could do some of the other tricks people can do with their tongues, not because I think it makes you a better lover, just because it's neat.
  • Can you raise one eyebrow at a time: Survival mechanism, that.
  • Can you blow spit bubbles: Yes. Why?
  • Can you cross your eyes: Not only that, but I can cross them independently, and I'm working on being able to raise one and lower the other. My ultimate goal is to rip my optic nerves completely from their tethers and go blind. Aside from the last sentence, all of this is true. My mother used to tell me I was going to destroy my vision. At least she didn't say I'd get stuck that way; too classy for that shit.
  • Tattoos: Nope. I might someday get a small one, but not really my scene, plus I'm scared of needles and tattoos always seem so risky to the rational part of my brain.
  • Piercing: Ears. Sorry if you were expecting tongue or something even more exciting. I only have the ones in my ears because everyone was doing it.
  • Do you make your bed daily: No. I don't even really make it when I change the sheets. I like a rumpled bed, feels cozier.


  • Which shoe goes on first: I have an intricate system which determines, based on the climate, the shoe, the numerological significance of the date, and a computer-generated random number, which shoe to put on first. I ignore it and pick the shoe that I happen to select.
  • Speaking of shoes, have you ever thrown one at anyone: Does George Bush count? Old joke. Probably.
  • On the average, how much money do you carry: Between 0 and 100 dollars. Usually closer to 0. I like to keep a little cash on me, but I don't tend to spend it except in emergencies. I have been taken captive by the plastic revolution. Not that I run up huge credit card bills, but I do pay for most things with a card.
  • What jewelry do you wear 24/7: I have a necklace I like to wear a lot, and other jewelry given me because I don't have the heart to tell people not to give me jewelry. But I'm not a jewelry-type gal. It's not 24/7 by any stretch. Some days I don't even bother with earrings.
  • Favorite piece of clothing: I'm not a clothes horse, but I'd have to say it depends. I have a dress I absolutely love to break out in the spring, trés sexy. But for comfort, I have a robe I wear a lot, warm and fluffy. But not during the summer; too warm, too fluffy. So yeah, it depends.


  • Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it: Um, neither. I don't know how to eat spaghetti, so I wind up gathering it with a fork and trying not to get sauce in my eyes. I guess it's more a twirl than a cut, but I don't get those photogenic twirls I see people eating, and there are always stragglers that get out and get sauce on my chin. I don't see how you could eat spaghetti by cutting it. That just multiplies the problem. Now noodles, I eat them with chopsticks, and I'm quite good at that. Maybe I should eat spaghetti with chopsticks too? No, the Italians would find out and put out a hit on me.
  • Have you ever eaten Spam: No, but I've eaten weirder things. Spam is pretty tame in comparison to some things I've enjoyed.
  • Do you use extra salt on your food: Yeah, maybe too much. But I don't seem to have a salt sensitivity, and the doctor says I'm fine, plus I think I lose a lot of salt for various reasons.
  • How many cereals in your cabinet: Of mine? Between 0 and 1. I'm not a huge breakfast eater, and when I eat cereal, it's usually as a snack. I go for things that I can eat from the box rather than putting in a bowl with milk, like shredded wheat. Fiber is a part of every healthy diet.
  • What’s your favorite beverage: Orange juice, 100% pure, not from concentrate (from concentrate and you might as well be drinking battery acid). I do mix it with things sometimes, but in terms of straight up beverage, OJ is the best. I am not a soda drinker.
  • What’s your favorite fast food restaurant: Growing up in a place with few ethnic opportunities and no decent taco places, I love Taco Bell because I never had anything better. I know there are better things out there, and if you want a Mexican restaurant rather than a taqueria I've got better choices, but for a fast burrito, I can't beat it. Until Mr. Taco comes to my neighborhood, Taco Bell remains the champion.
  • Do you cook: Yes. That's pretty much the sole contribution I can make to the family right now.


  • How often do you brush your teeth: Less than I should. But not disgustingly less or anything. I just ought to brush more. That, at least, is what my dentist always says.
  • Hair drying method: I blow-dry a little, but I don't finish. It starts the process along without damaging the hair or giving me a poof.
  • Have you ever colored/highlighted your hair: When I was younger, it was more extreme, but I've nearly always kept the color and just messed with the tint a little. Now, I pretty much leave it alone, although I do the occasional henna rinse to bring up the color. I did, at one point, dye it, then I cut most of it off. Never doing that again. Dye is bad for my hair. Plus, I like red. Yes, I'm one of those odd people who is basically satisfied with their hair color. I've never wanted to be blonde, for instance.


  • Do you swear: I used to, but the Bibles kept bursting into flames, and finally the judge charged me with contempt of court. *snicker*
  • Do you ever spit: I eat sunflower seeds and spit out the shells, but I do it outdoors in places where it's not disgusting. I really should stop, I suppose, since I find chewing tobacco to be one of the most repulsive things you can do. I don't care for people spitting big gobs of phlegm onto sidewalks either. Basically, I don't spit. Good children don't spit. Take that to mean whatever you want.


  • Animal: I get along with dogs, but I love cats, and I can't have one. I also like small furry rodent-type things: rabbits, guinea pigs, mice, hamsters, chinchillas, etc. I even think rats are kind of cute. It makes it odd to watch shows about the Black Plague.
  • Food: I was going to list what I felt were my favorites, but it's a lost cause. I don't like ketchup much. I'm not that fond of Boston-style baked beans (although barbecue beans are a different story). Haute cuisine is like throwing a cork to a drowning man. There are some varieties of fish I'm not fond of. I won't eat bugs. I don't like Brussels sprouts or stewed cabbage. Pretty much everything else, I like. I'm probably forgetting some things, but I like a lot of different foods. I guess if I had to pick one thing to eat for the rest of my life, it might be burritos. I'll wrap almost anything in a tortilla.
  • Month: December, I guess. Maybe January. I don't have a particularly favorite month.
  • Day: Right now, Monday. Bear with me here. Monday is the traditional theatre day off. I like weekends just fine, but since they are meaningless in the theatre, I like their equivalent. Of course, I sometimes have to work Mondays too, and at this point, if I can find a non-theatre job, I'll start hating Mondays. Plus I have no sense of the week at present.
  • Cartoon: Just one? I like Futurama a whole lot. Or do you mean comic strip (since TV shows are mentioned later on)? In which case, I am still in love with Bloom County even after all these years. Learned about world politics with that strip.
  • Shoe brand: I don't care about shoes.
  • Subject in school: History. I was pretty good at it. Never liked Lit even though I like to read, because Lit was all about reading in a certain unpleasant way. Plus I had some really good history teachers. Of course, after I went to college, I never took a history course again. Didn't fit in with the plan at the time. Not that I think a history degree would have served me any better than the one I wound up getting.
  • Color: Black. Goes with everything, makes my face and hair pop.
  • Sport: To watch (yes, I do watch sports sometimes)? Soccer is a blast to see live. I imagine it must be even better across the pond. It's not so good on TV, but I don't watch a lot of sports on TV. To play? Competitive sexual positions? That's an Olympic sport, right?
  • TV shows: Futurama, as stated above. I love Firefly, but it's not on any more. Most of the TV shows I watch are old and on DVD; I don't catch things live, and I don't have cable. I have eclectic tastes.
  • Thing to do in the spring: Stay indoors and have sex while rain beats down on the window panes.
  • Thing to do in the summer: Stay indoors in the AC and have sex.
  • Thing to do in the autumn: Stay indoors, make with the lovin'.
  • Thing to do in the winter: Look out at the snow falling, have sex. Sensing a pattern here? I could think of things I like to do in each season that are a bit more interesting, but as far as favorite things, I fall back on indoors and sex. I'm not a back-to-nature type, really. I know that's horrible.


  • In the CD player: Would you believe it? Beethoven's 5th (and 6th). I swear, I'm not making this up, nor did I put it there just for the purposes of proving how cultured I am. I've been going through the symphonies, and that happened to be the one that I was on. One of my favorite pieces of music, even if that is a bit clichéd
  • Person you talk most on the phone with: Not a big phone-talker, but probably recently it's been Sveta. Who else have I called more often?
  • Reading: War and Peace. Again, I am not trying to prove anything, it just happens to be true. I've never read it, and I'm proceeding slowly through it. I should take more time to read during the day. Distractions, endless distractions.
  • Do you regularly check yourself out in store windows/mirrors: Not regularly. I'll do it if I've come from something that would have made me look strange (after eating pasta, for instance; see above) and I don't have a mirror. I don't carry around a compact in my purse or anything. Hell, most times I don't even carry a purse. But I don't check myself out in reflections for ego purposes, no.
  • What color is your bedroom: Pink, because Mari got to pick the color and we never changed it. We're not big home improvement types in this household. Sure, I might have the experience to do something, but usually things don't change until they have to.
  • Do you use an alarm clock: Not recently because I haven't had much of any reason to get up. But normally, I do.
  • Window seat or aisle: One of each. I have long legs. This is why I don't fly. That and that I don't believe Bernoulli's Principle actually allows powered flight, and that it's all just a mass-hallucination caused by vintage newsreels. Seriously, planes can't really fly. You just think they can because you've seen it on TV.


  • What’s your sleeping position: Tossing and turning from side to side. I don't really sleep well.
  • Even in hot weather do you use a blanket: Unless it's really hot. I like to put a thin blanket over the sheet to keep the air from the fan (which I sleep with on pretty much year round) from rustling me. I get annoyed if the air is actually blowing on me or moving something against me.
  • Do you snore: Not unless I'm really, really congested, and even then hardly. This, at least, is what I've been told. I haven't been around to hear whether it's true. Sometimes when I'm sick or have bad allergies, I'll wake up and hear myself kind of snoring, I don't wake up because I'm snoring. At least, I don't think so. God, get off my back!
  • Do you sleepwalk: I sometimes walk around while I'm not really awake, but I don't sleepwalk, no. I'm a fucking zombie in the morning though.
  • Do you talk in your sleep: Again, you can wake me up and get me to agree to just about anything to go back to sleep, and I may not remember it, but I don't talk in my sleep to the best of my knowledge. Sveta does sometimes, moans in her sleep too. It's adorable.
  • Do you sleep with stuffed animals: No. Me macho, me King Lexi! No need stuffed animals! Really, I don't, but I still have my stuffed animals from when I was a kid.
  • How about with the light on: I have such difficulty falling asleep, I usually finally get to sleep with the lights on, and later on turn them off. Often times I don't remember doing it, but somehow it gets done. I don't need to sleep with the light on, it just happens that way because the only way I can get to sleep usually is to read until I fall asleep. Although see below.
  • Do you fall asleep with the TV or radio on: Not the radio. I wish I could fall asleep to the TV, because that's really the best way I know to turn my brain off. When I was in college I used to do it fairly regularly; I'd put a DVD on, lie down, and fall asleep. Now, I can't. I could, I suppose, get a cheap TV and DVD player for my room, and maybe when I have some money I will, but on the other hand it's yet another intrusion of the TV, and yet another place where TV trumps books, and I love reading and books too much to be totally comfortable with that.
  • Last interesting person you met: The other week I had a conversation about how disgusting chewing tobacco was with a cashier at Wal-Mart. I don't know if that qualifies. I don't meet that many people, at least I haven't recently. I met this old Irish gentleman who tried to teach me the rudiments of Go while we were both waiting for someone. Unless you've heard an ancient Chinese game explained in a delightful brogue with the game board and pieces represented by a drawing in a notebook, you haven't failed to learn the rudiments of Go. I'm pleased to say that he didn't take it personally that I didn't really get the game. I suppose I could have gone him one better and tried to teach him mah jongg or something, but at that point we were interrupted. I don't know if he was that interesting, but it was an interesting situation, certainly. I see interesting people all the time, but I don't necessarily meet them. Plus, as a writer, I develop characters for people which might not be true. So for instance my Irish Go-teacher might be really boring in real life, but I've got a mental picture of his character in my head that makes him interesting to me.

Wow that was long and probably more information than anyone really wanted to know. Blame someone else; I just stole it.


Anonymous said...

Woohoo! the thieving continues!

I had a good old fashioned snort at the airplanes bit :P they only fly cuz we seen it on TV *cackles* raises an interesting question of how the fuck did I really get to england then!!!

Naughty Lexi said...

Mass hallucination. Plus a great deal of hoping by the pilots. I mean, the way I figure it, airports are made so that there's always something horrible at the end of the runway like a cliff or something, and the pilots get the plane going really fast down the runway, and then they see certain death ahead and pull back on the stick as hard as they possibly can and hope and pray and somehow that enables them to do it. In concert with a bunch of people on the plane who believe they can. Which is another reason I don't fly; I'd hate to have it on my conscience that my lack of true belief caused a plane crash.